HR KPI Dashboard Excel

Are you looking “ALL IN ONE” HR KPI Dashboard? Download HR planning and strategy template in excel template.

In this article, you can understand about “KPI” importance of KPI in HR DASHBOARD. What is best KPI for generating my reports? Is I add any KPI in this template? Dashboard design and format of template? Generating Reports in which version of XLSX?

Download: HR Strategic Template

A HR KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Dashboard Excel Template offers several benefits for organizations. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Enhanced Decision Making: The HR KPI Dashboard provides a visual representation of important HR metrics and data, allowing HR managers and executives to make informed decisions. It enables them to quickly identify trends, patterns, and areas that require attention or improvement.
  2. Streamlined Performance Monitoring: The dashboard consolidates critical HR metrics such as employee turnover rate, absenteeism, training and development, recruitment effectiveness, and more. By having all these metrics in one place, HR professionals can easily track and monitor the performance of various HR initiatives and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Data-Driven Insights: The HR KPI Dashboard helps HR teams transform raw data into actionable insights. It allows them to analyze data from different angles, identify correlations between HR metrics, and gain a deeper understanding of workforce trends and patterns. This information can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness, formulate strategies, and implement targeted interventions.
  4. Goal Alignment and Measurement: The dashboard enables HR departments to align their activities with overall organizational goals. It helps track the progress of HR-related objectives and initiatives, ensuring that HR efforts are contributing to the larger organizational strategy. By measuring and visualizing key HR metrics, the dashboard facilitates goal setting, progress monitoring, and performance evaluation.
  5. Increased Transparency and Accountability: The HR KPI Dashboard promotes transparency by providing a clear overview of HR metrics and performance indicators to stakeholders, including senior management, department heads, and employees. It holds HR accountable for their actions and results by offering a centralized platform for performance tracking and reporting.
  6. Efficient Reporting: The dashboard simplifies the process of generating HR reports by automating data visualization and analysis. Instead of spending hours manually compiling and formatting data, HR professionals can use the template to generate comprehensive reports with just a few clicks. This saves time, reduces errors, and allows HR teams to focus on value-added activities.
  7. Continuous Improvement: By regularly monitoring HR metrics and performance indicators, the dashboard facilitates a culture of continuous improvement within the HR function. It helps identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for optimization. With data-driven insights, HR teams can implement targeted interventions, refine strategies, and continuously enhance HR practices.

Overall, the HR KPI Dashboard Excel Template empowers HR professionals to make informed decisions, optimize HR processes, and drive organizational success by leveraging data-driven insights.

Key performance indicators or KPIs are the indicators utilized to measure the outcomes of tasks and activities or measures taken within the department. Therefore, they act as a standard to evaluate processes and suggest improvements.


What is HR KPI? here below in chart you  can see some KPI using in this template. Through employee performance indicator to Salary & Expense reporting, recruitment tracker to auto generated reports according to scheduling management.

Dynamic Charts Graphs and slicers Recruitment Tracker
Employee Training KPI Employee Performance KPI Salary KPI
HR Metrix Template HR KPI Scorecard Project Status Meeting Template
All in One Template Automated Template XLSX FORMAT

Some KPI you must insert or add custom like “Training Effectiveness” “90 Day Quite Rate” “Benefits satisfaction” “Absent Cost” “Quality of Hire” “Turnover Rate” “Engagement index” “Turnover rate” for this you can contact PMPDOCUMENTS Team of developers. We set schedule time for meeting with clients, and after understanding requirements we process or customize this template for you.

  1. HR Recruitment KPI Dashboard
  2. Employee Performance KPI
  3. Employee Training KPI
  4. HR Management KPI

All analytics in HR is particularly to make all information of employees. Easy to explore all employees’ information and combine all data within the dashboard. Completely customization and available in different formats as well as PDF and excel.

HR KPI Dashboard Excel

Why are HR KPI dashboards important?

This is basically a graphically key factors of particular department like HR Department KPI, Project Management KPI, Sales KPI, Production Unit KPI.  You can also say sub-category of each department or department function. Through template we can explain each function by charts (Pie Chart, Bar Chart).

All organizations can easy to make a hiring procedure for their departments. Furthermore, workplaces can be optimized with great management – improve all performance of the company’s employees.

Easy ideas to grow your team with an HR board template

Dashboard, usually monitor all necessary things in employees. Their behavior, performance, attitude towards tasks etc. First and foremost, factor in attendance, template talks about the average presences of workers.

Some key KPI of HR dashboard

CA Per Employee

A visual meter to show CA of each employee and you can mention this KPI in report or not.

Employee By Gender

No of male and Female staff in an organization.

Retired & Terminated Overall

No of retired employees and terminated overall employee in a organization show in this chart

Promotion, Absenteeism 

Bold value showing in this small box (placing anywhere in dashboard)

Types of HR Dashboard KPI Template

Another part of the HR KPI Dashboard Excel, how workers are working – their performance and effectiveness. With this companies can measure their staff performance, efficiency and all necessary factors that include in organization policies. Usually, the working hour in every company is 9-5, along with flexibility becoming more advance in a new era for an updated generation.

The question is what is the traditional ways to enhance and measure the performance? What company getting or achieved?

Employee Performance KPI

That’s why the employee working and productivity towards the company is very important. Usually, traditionally measuring and dividing all sales count by staff. If you want to know the productivity of your employees, that will be the total number of sales according to works.


The significance of employee training has attained great importance as it improves the abilities of the employees and allows learning new techniques. KPIs and analytics share a common function as the former detects the knowledge gaps and improvement areas and the latter measures the effects of learning. The important KPIs to track while employees training are:

  1. Training completion and attendance rates
  2. Training results
  3. Job competency level
  4. On- the- job skill acquisition
  5. Employee engagement
  6. Employee satisfaction rate

HR Recruitment KPI Dashboard

Recruitment KPI is one of the most important KPI in HR system, you can manage all candidates and applicants in particular department.

There is many software with no of functions or KPI of recruitment, but first look this template of excel relates to recruitment KPI. Some KPI like (No of qualified candidates, First year-turnover rate, Adverse Impact) you can create by own. Some key KPI of recruitment is see below.

  1. Qualified candidates per opening
  2. Application completion rate
  3. Score quality
  4. Timing and standard of hiring
  5. Expense per hire
  6. Interviews to hire
  7. Offer acceptance rate and candidate satisfaction
  8. First-year turnover and hiring manager satisfaction

Besides, the companies and their HR rules changes from another, for example, performance to performance, function to function all connected with business and companies’ specialization.

Salary and Expense Management KPIs

Important KPI in HR template or dashboard. Using this KPI you can easily management each employee financial data and manage company expense. Related template using for calculate each employee expense/salary according to their absenteeism or overtime work. This section you also call Employee PAYROLL KPI.

  1. Operating cash flow and working capital
  2. Current and debt to equity ratio
  3. LOB revenue vs target
  4. LOB expense vs budget
  5. Accounts payable turnover
  6. Accounts receivable turnover
  7. Inventory turnover
  8. Return on equity
  9. Quick ratio and customer satisfaction

Planning And Scheduling KPIs

What is Planning and scheduling KPI? In HR dashboard some KPI like (Employee Training, Recruitment) you name scheduling HR KPI. You just separate this section by color variation or just add some special sign or no with it.

  1. Schedule coverage and labor percent
  2. Scope identification and stability
  3. Schedule readiness that includes material readiness along with walk downs completes
  4. Emergence work
  5. Schedule compliance that includes work order completion and a comparison of the job completed vs scheduled.
  6. Break- in- work and deferred work
  7. Percent planned work
  8. Backlog includes no. of work orders and work order with hours
  9. Planning and scheduling efficiency
  10. Maintenance productivity
  11. Percent work in progress

Recruitment KPI Dashboard

What Should an HR KPI Dashboard Contain?

Absenteeism rate. ROI of outsourcing. Succession planning rate. Open/closed grievances.

  1. Time to productivity. Successor gap rate. Worker composition by gender, experience, and tenure. Internal mobility.
  2. Manager quality index. HR Employee satisfaction rates. Training ROI.

To track the HR dashboard, metrics are usually linked with previous working times of every employer. It’s includes with overtime, average time and limited time of (workers) working hour. Keep on track with your workers in time is a good thing for a company. Your staff should be under control, a little bit training in some certain areas enhance the company productivity. In a business graph – more activity and productivity help to grow your business.

HR Strategy Plan KPI Dashboard Spreadsheet

Thus, the work would be normal other than in different areas inevitably employees de-motivate. In this way, it leads to a bad impression and employees will be unsatisfied.

To enhance your company/organization hire new workers with more motivations. In excel format spreadsheets are useful to make all record of your employees.


As well as their performance and working hour are necessary to keep in the record for company rules. This is the simple way to fix your company’s abnormality and keep on profit track. No doubt it would impact on company financial stability and enhance its costs. Companies should be more careful while hiring their staff for different departments – hiring must be correct.

How To Make A Human Resource Dashboard

Looking for creating HR dashboard custom? There are four steps to create a human resource dashboard that are mentioned below:

  1. Select Roadmap of Template

First of all, create roadmap of HR dashboard. Basic planning technique like either are hiring candidates for particular project or KPI dashboard create for just regular employees training and project scheduling.

For this roadmap planning is very important. Which type of section you require in template? Which type of essential KPI you require for each section like Recruitment, Training, Employee Expense.

  1. Select Essential KPI

The next step is to select some essential KPI for each project. Selection of KPI in some template isn’t a choice. You just leave a blank that particular column, if doesn’t require. In some expense software, you have choice of selection of KPI.

For example HR Hiring dashboard (Select KPI)

Interviewing KPI Section

  1. Open position
  2. Candidates Added
  3. Applicants


  1. Currently Onboarding
  2. Outstanding Offers

Some other selection of KPI in (Marketing, Legal, IT, Engineering, Accounting)

  1. All in One Template (Manage data in One Place)

The next step of creating HR Dashboard template is placing of data in one location. Using software or template you can arrange data or categorize data according to project requirement. For example first section is Employee performance appraisal KPI, Then Employee Training, then Recruitment KPI and So on.

  1. Other Option (other then Template)

Other option is for you is software, if you aren’t satisfy with this template. Although software using cloud system, so you can arrange data online with no of functions. But still I recommend you that template for one time use.

In addition, For download this premium HR dashboard excel template, you can request us PMPDOCUMENT.COM and we will send you particular template for FREE.


  1. Elena

    Can i manage my candidate also through this HR Dashboard Template with Employee training? How many employees i can manage? Ho to generate reports in Printable sheet of PDF?

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